Welcome to Healing by Wilhelmina

Wilhelmina (Lily) grew up with an unexplainable relationship with sound. At a young age, she realized how sound can change the way the mind and body feel. How the vibrations resonate with every cell in the body. While dealing with anxiety and depression Wilhelmina unintentionally understood how different frequencies of music dictated her mood. After learning about the power of sound healing, Wilhelmina fell in love with not only healing herself directly through vibrations but the idea of also healing others. She bought her first sound bowl in 2020 and after two years of self-teaching, Wilhelmina received her certification in sound healing, as well as her 200-hr YTT. As a sound healer, her purpose is to provide space for others to find their light to come home to themselves. She provides sacred space to honor and heal our inner child through, love, light, and care. Bringing awareness to our patterns, and pain, held within the body; working to cultivate light within the darkness through frequencies and meditation.